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8 steps to simpler investing

If you invest in the stock market, you need to pick stocks. That means you need to learn about the company and make an educated decision whether to buy or sell.

How do you do stock research?

Does it go something like this?
  1. Look for an interesting stock, maybe one that was discussed at SeekingAlpha or MarketWatch or some other site that you read.
  2. Pull up a chart and start trying out different technical indicators. Try to remember how each one works and evaluate it in your head. Complain that most charting sites only allow maybe half a dozen indicators to be displayed at one time.
  3. Try to remember the results of each indicator as you move on to do some fundamental analysis
  4. Look through Yahoo! Finance or Google Finance or one of the other sites that provides stock fundamentals. Try to remember how all the financial ratios work, which items are important and what range indicates value versus over-priced.
  5. Now that you have spent an hour or so surfing the web and trying to pull together a bunch of data, you have a vague idea of whether the stock is a BUY or not. Still, you would like to compare it now to another candidate in order to ensure you are making the best choice.
  6. Go back to step #1 above, rinse and repeat…
If that sounds like you, I encourage you to take a look at the Trade-Radar Stock Inspector software.

8 steps to simpler investing --

Using Trade-Radar Stock Inspector, you can accomplish the same things much more thoroughly with way less time and effort. How about using a process like this:
  1. Select a stock (many good candidates are listed at Trade-Radar Alert HQ)
  2. Enter it into the Trade-Radar Stock Inspector software and automatically download relevant data for a total of 36 separate indicators
  3. Go to the Chartview screen and select the kind of signal you are looking for: BUY or SELL. Generate the chart and all its signals with a couple of clicks.
  4. Review the trend and moving average displays on the chart as well as the Trade-Radar signal.
  5. Go to the Dashboard and review the results of an evaluation of the 7 Trade-Radar proprietary technical indicators
  6. While in the Dashboard, review the results of an evaluation of the 11 standard technical analysis indicators
  7. Also while in the Dashboard, review the results of an evaluation of the 18 fundamental analysis indicators
  8. If you have seen that most indicators on the Dashboard are lit up in green, your selected signal has been confirmed.
Now wasn’t that a whole lot easier? Especially considering that you have put together a complete technical and fundamental picture. Even if you lose your Internet connection the data is still all there for quick review. Furthermore, much of the evaluation of indicators has been done for you so there is no more fussing with calculators and spreadsheets.

Do more analysis in less time with Trade-Radar Stock Inspector --

I am confident that once you try this software you will find it to be simple, quick and thorough and a great addition to your set of investing tools

For those of you who read this blog but have not yet tried the Trade-Radar Stock Inspector software, I encourage you to give it a try. Get the 45-day free trial: Download Now!

Have you tried the Trade-Radar Stock Inspector software already? Are you ready to buy? Download from our secure purchase page at RegNow: Buy Now!

As a bonus for those who read this blog, I would like to offer a $10 discount to anyone who purchases the Trade-Radar software before the end of July. Follow the Buy Now link above and enter the following coupon code: TRSI-159V-UGX


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