When I write about stock market sectors or individual stocks, I generally give an overview of the fundamentals. On the other hand, all the BUY SELL signals we offer at Alert HQ are strictly based on technical analysis. Whereas the Alert HQ methodology primarily looks for technical indicators that are in agreement in order to generate its signals, there is an important school of thought that says that it is important to note when indicators are not in agreement. This is known as divergence. More precisely, divergence is when the price of an asset (a stock or ETF, for example) and an indicator, index or other related asset move in opposite directions. An investor looks for those instances where the trends begin to head in opposite directions. This is interpreted as a signal that a turn in the asset price is imminent. The difference between stock or index prices and MACD is one of the more common divergences that investors watch. Others involves prices and either stochastics, Money Flow