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Weekend Winners and Losers - Alert HQ BUY and SELL signals for September 4, 2009

This post is to announce that the weekend's stock signals are available from Alert HQ.

Each week we scan about 7300 stocks and ETFs, checking fundamentals, performing technical analysis and looking for fresh BUY and SELL signals. Out of this process we generate the following lists:
  • Alert HQ stock alerts - based on a combination of proprietary and standard technical analysis techniques, we identify stocks or ETFs that are undergoing reversals, either to the upside or to the downside
  • Trend Leaders - a collection of stocks in strong up-trends
  • Cash Flow Kings whose free cash flow yield is 25% or greater
  • Bollinger Band Breakouts - stocks or ETFs that have moved at least 3% above their upper Bollinger Band or at least 3% below their lower Bollinger Band
  • Swing Signals - stocks that have bounced off a higher or lower Bollinger Band
  • Trend Busters - stocks or ETFs that have violated a current trend.
The view from Alert HQ --

This week started out in a pretty dismal fashion with the market extending its losing streak to four days in a row. Thursday, however, saw the losses end and Friday saw a sizeable bounce. Despite the slambang finish, major averages registered 1% to 1.6% losses with the NASDAQ as the standout with only a 0.5% loss.

Stocks initially fell on decent economic news but worrisome foreign stock activity. Then they ended up rising on so-so news. We started off with a plunge in the Shanghai stock market that pressured stocks worldwide early in the week. Then we had the retail sales reports for August which were fairly bad but in some cases better than expectations. The ISM manufacturing index actually crossed into growth territory while the ISM services index continued to show contraction but still came in better than expected. Friday's non-farm payroll report showed job cuts slowing markedly but the unemployment rate rising. Investors must have decided it was time to climb the wall of worry again and stocks were off to the races.

Friday's rally was a relief to me as I had gone out on a limb to be especially bullish in my post announcing the Thursday evening TradeRadar Swing Trading Signals. That report was brimming with BUYS and Strong BUYs and I proposed that the market was at a turning point and that it was headed to the upside. Today's set of Swing Signals confirms Thursday's expectations and we have another big set of BUYs. Even our Trend Leaders list is starting to perk up again.

Not everyone is as outright bullish as I am. Our friends at the Market Club affiliate have an in-depth analysis of the technical situation in the NASDAQ. The video explores where the NASDAQ has been and where it might be going. Click here to check it out, it's highly recommended.

This week's results --

Here is the detailed breakdown for Alert HQ for this weekend:
  • Based on daily data, we have 9 Alert HQ BUY signals and 15 SELL signals
  • Based on weekly data, we have 4 Alert HQ BUY signals and 21 SELL signals
  • Based on daily data, we have 92 Trend Leaders. 32 new stocks joined the list since Thursday and 19 fell off the list since Thursday.
  • We have 103 Bollinger Band Breakouts based on daily data and 182 Breakouts based on weekly data.
  • We have 823 Cash Flow Kings
  • Based on daily data we have 191 Swing Signals of which 168 are BUY signals and 4 are SELL signals. We also have 19 Strong BUYs.
  • Finally, we have Trend Busters with 11 signals based on daily data (6 BUY signals and 5 SELL signals) and 28 based on weekly data (6 BUY signals and 22 SELL signals).
Using our signals --

Visit Alert HQ and download your free lists of stock alerts. The alerts based on weekly data show those stocks that have exhibited some good follow-through after a recent trend reversal. If you want to be early in identifying the newest trend reversals, the lists based on daily data are for you. No matter which preference you have, there are bound to be a few stocks you will want to add to your watch list.

If you're a momentum trader, the Trend Leaders list is a good place to go shopping. If you have no faith in technical analysis, the Cash Flow Kings may be just what you are looking for. If you do favor technical analysis, check out the Trend Busters. And if you are a short-term trader or even a day trader, our Swing Signals may provide some good trading ideas. See them all at Alert HQ.

Remember, we also provide our latest updated Swing Signals, Trend Leaders and Trend Busters on Tuesday and Thursday nights.


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