Today we have the following:
- Based on daily data, we have 5 Alert HQ BUY signals and 20 SELL signals
- Based on weekly data, we have 2 Alert HQ BUY signals and 32 SELL signals
- We have 54 Bollinger Band Breakouts based on daily data and 134 Breakouts based on weekly data.
- We have 860 Cash Flow Kings
- 25 Swing Signals -- 14 BUY signals and 10 SELL Signals and 1 Strong SELL.
- 236 Trend Leaders, all in strong up-trends according to Aroon, MACD and DMI. We have 6 stocks that are new additions to the list and 82 that fell off the previous list.
- 28 Trend Busters based on daily data. We also have 222 Trend Busters based on weekly data.
- 203 Gap Signals -- stocks with upside or downside gaps or gaps that have been closed. We also have 65 Gap Signals based on weekly data.
There wasn't much to be thankful for in the stock market this week, though maybe we should be thankful U.S. markets didn't fall further than they actually did.
Stocks climbed earlier in the week though they failed to establish any new highs. On Thursday overseas markets plunged as more details emerged regarding the Dubai World debt situation. The company, largely owned by the government of Dubai (and, thus, indirectly by the United Arab Emirates of which Dubai is a member), announced that they were looking for a debt restructuring. The banks that were likely to take the biggest beating on loans to Dubai World were not U.S. banks except for Citi (yes, Citi always seems to be there when the music stops and something is imploding). Nonetheless, when U.S. markets opened again on Friday, major averages dropped in sympathy and the financials took the worst hit.
When all the dust settled on the week, losses were minor in the U.S. The Dow ended down a mere 0.1%, the S&P 500 was flat on the week and the NASDAQ lost 0.4%. Once again, small-caps underperformed and the Russell 2000 lost 1.3%.
Here at Alert HQ, the signals have tilted bearish. SELL signals outnumber BUY signals on the Alert HQ reversal lists and the Gap Analysis lists. The Trend Busters lists are especially negative. The one based on daily data is full of BUY signals for inverse leveraged ETFs. The one based on weekly data has a mere 6 BUY signals and a whopping 216 SELL signals. I could ignore the daily Trend Busters if so many of the SELL signals on the weekly list weren't the un-leveraged ETFs that track import indexes like the Russell 2000, Russell Micro-cap, the Dow Jones US Financial index and various other flavors of small-cap and financial indexes. If those sectors are really in decline, the market will find it hard to make much progress.
All is not gloom, however. The Trend Leaders list is sort of holding steady, albeit at a rather low number. The Swing Signals list still has a few more BUY signals than SELL signals. This implies that stocks aren't plunging across the board.
With early reports that Black Friday shopping was robust perhaps sentiment will shift positive and we'll see a floor here. For the last week or two, I have been suggesting stocks may be stuck in a range so it wouldn't be a surprise to see the decline arrested somewhere around S&P 1075. In the meantime, be sure your stops are in order.
Using our signals --
Visit Alert HQ to view or download your free lists of stock alerts. The alerts based on weekly data show those stocks that have exhibited some good follow-through after a recent trend reversal. If you want to be early in identifying the newest trend reversals, the lists based on daily data are for you. No matter which preference you have, there are bound to be a few stocks you will want to add to your watch list.
If you're a momentum trader, the Trend Leaders list is a good place to go shopping. If you have no faith in technical analysis, the Cash Flow Kings may be just what you are looking for. If you do favor technical analysis, check out the Trend Busters. And if you are a short-term trader or even a day trader, our Swing Signals may provide some good trading ideas. See them all at Alert HQ.
Remember, we also provide our latest updated Swing Signals, Trend Leaders, Gaps and Trend Busters on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
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