Today we have the following:
- Based on daily data, we have 61 Alert HQ BUY signals and 29 SELL signals
- Based on weekly data, we have 1 Alert HQ BUY signal and 53 SELL signals
- We have 69 Bollinger Band Breakouts based on daily data and 194 Breakouts based on weekly data.
- We have 854 Cash Flow Kings
- 176 Swing Signals -- 171 BUY signals and 5 SELL Signals.
- 99 Trend Leaders, all in strong up-trends according to Aroon, MACD and DMI. We have 29 stocks that are new additions to the list and only 11 that fell off the previous list.
- 55 Trend Busters based on daily data of which 52 are BUY signals and 3 are SELL signals. We also have 118 Trend Busters based on weekly data.
- 252 Gap Signals -- stocks with upside or downside gaps or gaps that have been closed. We also have 55 Gap Signals based on weekly data.
All the major averages gained roughly 3% this week. That seems to have effectively ended the recent pullback before it could become a correction.
Accordingly, we've got Alert HQ BUY signals busting out all over. At least that's true in those situations where we are basing our signals on daily data. Where we are using weekly data, we get the opposite situation. This implies the move in our daily data has not yet been confirmed by the weekly data; therefore, there is still some risk in this market.
Currently, we see that stocks are evenly split: half are above their 20-DMA, half are below, half are above their 50-DMA and half are below. This is an improvement from last week but leaves the overall outlook somewhat uncertain.
So if you are comfortable being on the leading edge and are looking to go long, be sure to check out our BUY signals based on daily data. We also see BUY signals outnumber SELL signals by a wide margin on our lists of Swing Trading Signals, Trend Busters and the Gap analysis list. Little by little, the number of stocks and ETFs has been increasing on our Trend Leaders list.
I've stated before that I am optimist. I am looking at this past week's action as confirmation that the primary trend remains UP. I think that, looking back, this past week will turn out to have been a good time to buy stocks. And very likely, next week will provide some opportunities, too.
Using our signals --
Visit Alert HQ to view or download your free lists of stock alerts. The alerts based on weekly data show those stocks that have exhibited some good follow-through after a recent trend reversal. If you want to be early in identifying the newest trend reversals, the lists based on daily data are for you. No matter which preference you have, there are bound to be a few stocks you will want to add to your watch list.
If you're a momentum trader, the Trend Leaders list is a good place to go shopping. If you have no faith in technical analysis, the Cash Flow Kings may be just what you are looking for. If you do favor technical analysis, check out the Trend Busters. And if you are a short-term trader or even a day trader, our Swing Signals may provide some good trading ideas. See them all at Alert HQ.
Remember, we also provide our latest updated Swing Signals, Trend Leaders, Gaps and Trend Busters on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
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