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Alert HQ signals for Thursday, Jan 14, 2010

This post is announcing that Thursday's Swing Signals, Trend Leaders, Trend Busters and Gap Signals are now available at Alert HQ. All are based on daily data.

Today we have the following:
  • 30 Swing Signals -- 15 BUY signals and 15 SELL Signals.
  • 582 Trend Leaders, all in strong up-trends according to Aroon, MACD and DMI. We have 142 stocks that are new additions to the list and 179 that fell off the previous list.
  • 41 Trend Busters of which 35 are BUY signals and 6 are SELL signals.
  • 208 Gap Signals -- stocks with upside or downside gaps or gaps that have been closed. 84 are bearish gaps and 124 are bullish gaps.
The view from Alert HQ --

Economic reports were not particularly good today but stocks managed to eke out a modest advance anyway. The jobless numbers and the retail sales figures released today were both worse than expected though not bad enough to cause a rout in the markets. Major averages started the day in negative territory and gradually worked their way to fractional gains.

Today, it was tech that led the way and the NASDAQ outpaced the S&P 500 and the Dow. There was much anticipation for Intel's earnings report which was released after the close. Thankfully, the company handily beat expectations; on the top line, bottom line and margins. Further bolstering the case for tech, SAP also came through with a good report.

So it was with some surprise that I looked through today's lists of BUY signals and didn't see all that many tech stocks. Be that as it may, at least we had a good selection of BUY signals. After the dismal results on Tuesday, it was good to see our Alert HQ signals looking a bit more promising tonight.

Our Swing Trading Signals are evenly split between BUY signals and SELL signals. That's a big improvement from Tuesday when SELL signals outnumbered BUY signals 5 to 1. Trend Busters continue to show BUY signals to be in a large majority. And there are a lot more bullish gaps on the Gap Analysis list than bearish gaps.

Not everything is coming up roses, however. There is weakness creeping into the Trend Leaders list which decreased in size and shows more stocks falling off the list than were added to the list.

In general, our signals show that markets may not be exhibiting exceptional strength but they are certainly not signaling a correction. It is also clear that the trend remains UP. So browse our lists for a few BUY signals!

Using our signals --

If you're a momentum trader, the Trend Leaders list is a good place to go shopping. If you practice technical analysis, check out the Trend Busters. And if you are a short-term trader or even a day trader, our Swing Signals or Gap Signals may provide some good trading ideas.

Found a few stock picks you are interested in? If you are looking to refine your entry and exit points, you should take a look at what our friends at Hottinger's E-Zone Signals have to offer.


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