This post is a follow-on to explain how to correct old price data that may contain errors from back before the latest release. Note that stocks with weekly data in the database have the suffix "-W" tacked onto the symbol in the "Stock Symbol" dropdown. Similarly, stocks with monthly data in the database have the suffix "-M" tacked onto the symbol.
Even if you are not sure if you have erroneous data, it is easy to just get rid of it and get fresh data. Here are the steps to take:
- Select the stock or ETF you wish to fix and click the "Search Database" button
- If the chart is displayed, click the Exit button at the top right corner of the chart
- Click the garbage can icon on the toolbar. This is the one where the tool-tip says "Delete bulk data"
- In the form that pops up, click the checkbox titled "Delete all Price data for this symbol"
- When the form disappears, just click the "Load Data from Yahoo!" button.
By the way, you may not know that moving averages are handled somewhat differently for daily versus weekly versus monthly data. Here is a breakdown:
- For daily data, we plot 20-day and 50-day moving averages
- For weekly data, we plot 10-week and 40-week moving averages
- For monthly data, we plot 6-month and 12-month moving averages
To get the software --
As always, anyone who already has a registered copy installed on their PC is welcome to get the update for free. Anyone else who is interested in starting or continuing their 45-day evaluation is also welcome to download it at our Download page. Just click one of the "Download Now" buttons and it will take you to the page where you can download the full install package.
If you already have a recent version installed, you can download just the program executable by clicking [ this special Download link ]. Just be sure to copy the downloaded EXE file into the folder where the Trade-Radar Stock Inspector is installed. That would typically be C:\Program Files\Trade-Radar\Trade-Radar Stock Inspector
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