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Weekend Winners and Losers - Alert HQ BUY and SELL signals for April 23, 2010

Winners and LosersThis is our usual quick post announcing that the weekend's free stock signals are now available at Alert HQ.

Today we have the following stock picks and signals:
  • Based on daily data, we have 4 Alert HQ BUY signals and 127 SELL signals
  • Based on weekly data, we have 2 Alert HQ BUY signal and 25 SELL signals
  • We have 143 Bollinger Band Breakouts based on daily data and 296 Breakouts based on weekly data.
  • We have 609 Cash Flow Kings
  • 23 Swing Signals -- 7 BUY signals and 16 SELL Signals
  • 264 Trend Leaders, all in strong up-trends according to Aroon, MACD and DMI. We have 31 stocks that are new additions to the list and 119 that fell off the previous list.
  • 26 Trend Busters based on daily data of which 8 are BUY signals. We also have 46 Trend Busters based on weekly data.
  • 202 Gap Signals -- stocks with upside or downside gaps or gaps that have been closed. We see 93 downside gaps and 109 upside gaps based on daily data. We also have 54 Gap Signals based on weekly data.
The view from Alert HQ --

Despite the day's rally I counseled caution on Thursday and, by the end of trading on Friday, that sentiment appeared to have been well founded. Stocks were off sharply on the week with the NASDAQ down 2.7% and the Dow putting in the best performance by only dropping 1.7%. As often happens, small stocks got the worst of it with the Russell 2000 falling 3.4%. All in all, Friday was an unpleasant day.

Here go our Alert HQ signals again, in a big swan dive. SELL signals way outnumber BUY signals almost across the board and the Trend Leaders list has gotten quite anemic.

In a nod to the increasing volatility, note that we have VXZ, the IPATH S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN prominently featured on our list of BUY signals based on daily data.

So is the market about to come crashing down? Short-term, things do look dicey. I recommend you take a look at a video by Adam Hewison at MarketClub. Adam zeroes in on the Dow and offers several insights based on Fibonacci retracement lines and MACD and suggests what you might want to watch out for. You won't want to miss it.

In the meantime, Alert HQ is screaming caution. It's looking very much like a repeat of last quarter's mid-earnings-season swoon is beginning to play out. Back then, we saw stocks register decent sequential and year-over-year improvements in financial results even as stock prices drooped. It turned out to be a good buying opportunity. I'm thinking the same could happen again. Keep an eye on Alert HQ and you'll be able to find the stocks and ETFs that begin to recover first.

Using our signals --

Visit Alert HQ to view or download your free lists of stock alerts. The alerts based on weekly data show those stocks that have exhibited some good follow-through after a recent trend reversal. If you want to be early in identifying the newest trend reversals, the lists based on daily data are for you.

If you're a momentum trader, the Trend Leaders list is a good place to go shopping. If you have no faith in technical analysis, the Cash Flow Kings may be just what you are looking for. If you practice technical analysis, check out the Trend Busters. And if you are a short-term trader or even a day trader, our Swing Signals or Gap Signals may provide some good trading ideas. See them all at Alert HQ.

Remember, we also provide our latest updated Swing Signals, Trend Leaders, Gaps and Trend Busters on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

Found a few stock picks you are interested in? If you are looking to refine your entry and exit points, you should take a look at what our friends at Hottinger's E-Zone Signals have to offer.


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